Ginger root is on the list of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs. It is believed that its use before intimacy stimulates the work of sexual arousal centers, increasing sexual desire. In addition, ginger is widely used in folk medicine as a medicine for the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction.
What is ginger and how does it affect the male body?
Chemical composition and benefits
Ginger is a perennial plant. Homeland of wild ginger is South Asia. Currently, many countries are engaged in the cultivation of cultivated medicinal plants on an industrial scale: Argentina, China, Japan, Brazil.
The healing properties of ginger root are due to a combination of vitamins, trace elements, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, essential and non-essential amino acids, and essential oils.
What is ginger good for and why is it recommended for men with sexual dysfunction? Useful properties of ginger on the male body provide biologically active substances and trace elements included in the composition:
Name | Impact on the male body |
Amino acids | They support immunity, speed up metabolism, normalize hormonal levels and help restore energy expenditure. |
Fatty acid | They contribute to the renewal of the body at the cellular level, saturate the cells with all the necessary nutrients. |
Vitamins A, B, C | They have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, stimulate testosterone production, and strengthen the nervous system. |
Zinc | Increases the efficiency of vitamins, stimulates the work of the organs of the male reproductive system. |
Potassium | Promotes tissue oxygen saturation, stabilizes blood pressure, maintains muscle tissue tone. |
Magnesium | Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and fast transmission of impulses at the time of excitation, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. |
Phytosterols | They reduce the level of bad cholesterol, prevent narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and loss of elasticity of vascular walls, preventing sexual impotence. |
How does ginger affect potency?
According to research, regular use of the plant's roots in the male body leads to the following changes:
- increases androgen levels;
- erection improves;
- the amount of ejaculate increases;
- the percentage of live sperm in the semen increases and their mobility increases.
The healing properties of ginger root prevent the development of various infectious inflammatory diseases, including prostatitis, which is considered one of the main provoking factors of impotence.
Lately, a common cause of reduced potency is excess weight, because fat cells contribute to the production of female sex hormones. Ginger root extract contributes to the normalization of body weight: accelerates the formation of satiety, stimulates metabolic processes, improves intestinal motility.
How to take ginger to increase potency
You can use ginger root to restore sexual function in many ways: as a spice for various dishes, in the form of infusions, teas and vitamin cocktails.
The optimal daily intake of ginger is 10-15 grams of fresh root or 3-4 grams of dry powder. Increasing the amount of root consumed will not only not speed up the process of improving potency, but can also cause certain side effects: headache, skin rash, insomnia, nausea and other disorders of the digestive tract.
You should choose one of the recipes for use and take it for the recommended period. Ginger, like any natural folk remedy, has no immediate effect, so it will take some time to achieve the effect.
Before using ginger to increase potency, it is necessary to take into account not only its useful properties, but also possible contraindications. Means with the addition of roots are not suitable for men with certain diseases of the digestive tract in the acute phase (ulcer, colitis, gastritis), urolithiasis and serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
It should be borne in mind that ginger enhances the action of certain drugs (barbiturates, anticoagulants, blood sugar lowering agents). You should not use the medicinal plant at the same time as blood pressure lowering tablets, as the action of biologically active substances in ginger can cause hypotension and heart rhythm disorders.
The best recipes with ginger to increase potency
You can use fresh, sour or dried root to prepare the funds. Since the highest concentration of nutrients in the pulp is under the skin, peeling the roots used for medical purposes is not recommended. Just rinse them well in cold water.
To prevent erectile dysfunction, you can use a small amount of ginger a day as a spice for salads, fish and meat dishes.
A good aphrodisiac is ginger with lemon and honey. The recipe for maintaining men's health is as follows: 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse, it is recommended for men to take a spoonful of a mixture of ginger root, honey and lemon. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and chopped in a blender.
In addition to reducing sexual desire and worsening erections, ginger tinctures, decoctions and vitamin teas can be used. How to cook ginger for potency? The following are simple prescriptions for medications to prevent erection problems.
Benefits of sour ginger for men
One of the most popular spices in Asian countries is sour ginger root. Prepare it as follows:

- Wash the ginger, cut it into slices, add a little salt, put it in a bowl with a lid and leave it for an hour.
- To prepare the marinade, pour a glass of sugar into the sherpa, pour a glass of vinegar over it and boil, stirring constantly.
- The slices are poured over the hot marinade, covered with a tight lid and left in a cool place for 48 hours.
In the process of infusion, the pulp takes on a pink hue. To get a more saturated color of the product, a small amount of grated beets can be added to the dish.
The finished root is used as a side dish or as an addition to other dishes. In addition to a pleasant specific taste, sour ginger is also known for its healing properties: it improves digestion, tones the walls of blood vessels, activates blood flow, prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. Pickled ginger is especially useful for chronic prostatitis.
Recipes for tea and ginger drinks
The easiest way to prepare a healthy drink is as follows: make plain black or green tea, add root slices or a small amount of squeezed juice before drinking.

Ginger tea is prepared as follows: it is necessary to cut a slice 3 cm thick from the roots, grind it on a fine grater, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist. You can mix ginger tea with honey and rosemary, echinacea, mint, cinnamon.
Ginger lemonade is perfect for the hot season. To prepare you will need honey (spoon), lemon (juice should be squeezed into a separate bowl) and finely chopped ginger (spoon). Bring a liter of water to a boil, put the root there and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Lemon juice and honey are added to the liquid cooled to room temperature, mixed well and cooled.
Lovers of the original taste can be advised the following recipe for erection:
- put half a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg, 3 cloves, the rind of one lemon and a slice of ginger root (2-3 cm thick) in a bowl;
- before cooking the drink, the root is thoroughly crushed;
- pour cold water over the ingredients, bring to a boil and keep on the fire for another 2-3 minutes;
- the finished drink is insisted and taken half a glass once a day.
ginger jam

To boost immunity and improve erections, men can recommend herbal tea with ginger and lemon jam. To prepare it, you will need to pass a medium-sized ginger root and three lemons together with the peel through a meat grinder. A glass of honey is added to the resulting mass and mixed well. It is recommended to store the finished jam in the refrigerator in a container closed with a lid.
Ginger tincture on vodka to increase potency
Alcoholic ginger tincture is suitable as a remedy. You can use vodka or previously diluted alcohol to prepare it.
- Recipe 1. Ginger (400 g) is washed, cut into small slices and placed in a glass or ceramic dish. Pour 0, 5 liters of vodka in a bowl, close the lid well and put in a dark and cool place. Infusion time - 3 weeks. Strained ginger tincture is taken three times a day before meals, one teaspoon.
- Recipe 2. 350 g of root should be killed in the porridge, add the juice of two lemons, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 100 g of sugar. The mixture must be stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved, then pour 1 liter of vodka and insist for one day. Potency ginger prepared in this way is taken twice a day, one tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals.
Products for external use
A more stable and lasting erection can be achieved with the help of fat based on previously dried roots. To prepare it, ground ginger and liquid honey are mixed in equal amounts. The finished product is applied to the penis 15-20 minutes before planned intimacy. Just before coitus, the ointment should be washed away.
Baths with ginger soup have a general strengthening and toning effect on the whole body. To prepare the decoction, pour 1 liter of water into a bowl, bring to a boil and add 3 tablespoons of powdered ginger. Keep the liquid on low heat for a few minutes and pour it into a tub filled with warm water. The optimal duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. Ginger baths are also useful for those who are struggling with excess weight.
In chronic inflammation of the prostate, microclysters with ginger oil are included in the treatment. 30 ml of oil is heated to 35-38 degrees and injected into the rectum for 10-15 minutes. The active substances contained in the oil extract have medicinal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.
The benefits of ginger for men have been confirmed by research and reviews, but you can count on a positive effect only if you adhere to the recommended dose and duration of the course. Before using ginger root products, you should consult an expert. The doctor will rule out the presence of possible contraindications and, if necessary, select additional drugs to treat sexual impotence.